Unutilised roof area costs more than Solar Panels - Find the best PV solution fo you

Icon einer Drohne über einem Dach

Your Roof

Don't rely on the installer's rough estimate or generalized statements. We capture your roof with centimeter precision using a camera drone to precisely determine the area that can be used for photovoltaics.
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We investigate location, roof area, orientation, shading, your consumption profile as well as prices and electricity tariffs. This allows us to find the most reasonable solution for you and your house.
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Our fixed-price service is completely independent of the practical implementation. We take our time and do not pursue any interests other than yours. So you can be sure to fully utilize the PV potential of your home.

How it works


Book your PV analysis

You can easily book your PV analysis using our online order form. We will contact you within 24 hours and discuss the process in detail.


3D model of your roof

Using a camera drone, we capture your roof with centimeter precision and create a 3D to take measurements. This is how we determine the maximum number of suitable PV modules for each roof area. The goal is the maximum energy yield.


Evaluation and Discussion

We create an optimized PV module plan, a cost estimate and a realistic yield simulation. The results will then be explained in a joint discussion and any remaining questions will be answered. With the certainty of what your optimal PV system should look like, you are well prepared to order the installation.
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Our Service

Dach mit Drohne effizient und genau vermessen

3D Measurement

How many PV modules fit on my roof and which areas should be utilized? This is usually the question of all questions when it comes to implementing a PV system. Construction plans are missing or do not show reality. Satellite images are very inaccurate. 3D capture with a drone allows to accurately determine all dimensions, detect obstacles such as windows, ventilation outlets and antennas and identify objects on your roof that cast a shadow. This information is essential for designing the optimal PV system.

PV Panel Plan

On a suitable roof surface, the rule is: the more the better. Each additional PV module currently makes a difference in yield of €200 net per year or more. Depending on the output and type solar panels take up different amounts of space. For further optimization we consider different module sizes in order to make optimal use of the roof area. The aim of the design is to maximize your energetic and financial return.

Realistic Energy Simulation

In addition, you will receive a comprehensive report on the energy output of the system concept, taking into account the expected acquisition costs. Annual energy production is simulated and financial return will be forecasted realistically. Various options are compared if desired.

Book your PV Analysis now

Every square inch of your roof brings financial benefit. 
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The neighbors might be jealous.

For the following family, a direct neighborhood comparison was possible, which clearly shows how important the optimized design of a photovoltaic system can be. The family lives in a semi-detached house (on the right) and would like to install a PV system. We also wanted to see whether the south-facing roof could be used in a better way than the neighbour (on the left) is doing it right now.
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The North Side

Obviously it is of course true that the most yield is achieved by orienting the PV module towards the south. The east-west orientation can also bring very good results throughout the day. However, roof areas are limited and we are asked more and more often whether it makes sense to also equip north-facing roof areas. When it comes to the answer, we don't rely on rough estimates, but rather simulate all possible variants.
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Our Support

We answer all questions about your individual PV solution and provide clarity regarding your options.
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Beratung zur Optimierung der PV-Dachbelegung


2. October 2023
Da könnten die Nachbarn neidisch werden

Bei einer Familie in Wien bot sich ein direkter Nachbarschaftsvergleich an, der eindeutig zeigt, wie wichtig die optimierte Auslegung einer Photovoltaikanlage sein kann.
Die Familie lebt in einer Doppelhaushälfte (im Bild rechts) und möchte eine PV-Anlage installieren. Zusätzlich soll die Frage geklärt werden, ob die bereits vorhandene Solarthermieanlage bleiben soll oder ob es mehr Sinn macht, diese durch PV-Module zu ersetzen. [...]

Zum Blogartikel
13. June 2023
Wie viele PV Module machen wirtschaftlich Sinn?

Bei der Anschaffung einer Photovoltaikanlage ist die Anzahl der Module die relevanteste Entscheidung. Warum ist das so wichtig und was sind die gängigen Herangehensweisen? Die Belegung mit PV-Modulen wird einmalig festgelegt und kann später kaum abgeändert werden. Montagesysteme und auch der Wechselrichter werden danach ausgelegt. Somit ist es zu aufwändig und unwirtschaftlich, zukünftige Anpassungen vorzunehmen. […]

Zum Blogartikel
19. April 2023
Bringt "Alles aus einer Hand" wirklich nur Vorteile?

Viele Photovoltaikunternehmen werben damit, die komplette Anlage aus einer Hand zu liefern. Von der wirtschaftlichen Planung und der Auslegung des Systems über die Montage und Installation, bis hin zur Dokumentation und formellen Inbetriebnahme. Bringt das für die zukünftigen Besitzerinnen und Besitzer der Anlage ausschließlich Vorteile oder gibt es dabei auch Fallen? Ohne Zweifel nimmt einem […]

Zum Blogartikel


  • Doesn't the installer do the planning anyway?

    Many photovoltaic companies offer everything from planning to implementation. However, this means that interests of the installing company, such as time pressure, quick order placement or preferred components, flow into the design. This can lead to the roof's potential not being fully utilised or modules being placed sub-optimally. Since SolarValid acts solely in the interest of our client, our only goal is to make the best possible use of the available opportunities and thus ensure a maximum energy and financial return for the future system operator.

  • Do individual PV modules more or less actually make a relevant difference?

    Absolutely. Depending on placement, orientation and current energy prices, a single additional module increases the system profit by 800-1500€ over 20 years. In almost all cases, the more modules the better. It has been shown that our analysis allows for the installation of 5-10 additional modules, compared to inaccurate planning.

  • What do I get as a result of the PV analysis?

    The result of the solar analysis is an evaluation document in which the optimal PV panel layout, a possible component selection including a cost estimate, and the expected energy and financial yield are presented. If there are several options (or example if the replacement of a solar thermal system is on the table) the different possibilities are compared. Before the evaluation is finished, a handover meeting takes place in which all questions will be answered and individual wishes are taken into account.

    With this information, you are well prepared for obtaining a quotation and successful implementation of your solar PV system.

  • I have a blueprint of my roof. Does it still make sense to capture it with the drone in this case?

    Roofs usually differ from their paper plans. Ventilation openings, skylights, satellite systems and other attachments are often not located exactly where they are shown on the plan. Our 3D drone capture ensures that the PV modules actually find their place as planned through a real as-is survey.

  • Do I need a plan or dimensions of my roof for the analysis?

    No, our offer includes the capture of the entire roof including all obstacles and dimensions.

  • Is the yield calculation realistic?

    We calculate the yield based on the geographical location as well as on number, inclination, orientation, degradation and shading of the PV modules. This provides a very realistic forecast of the expected yield and helps to work out the optimal layout. We have nothing to gain from glossing over results, as our service is completely independent of the final installation chosen.

  • Which PV modules are used for planning?

    We usually use modules between 370Wp and 440Wp for planning, depending on what fits best for the dimensions of your roof. Modules in this power range currently have the best price/performance ratio. In principle, it is of course possible to do the calculations with any PV panel type of your choice.

  • Can you guarantee that the planned layout of the PV modules can be implemented 1:1 practically?

    We guarantee that the positioning of the modules is possible in relation to the dimensions of the roof surfaces. However, for constructional or electrotechnical reasons, it may be necessary to make changes to the original layout during practical installation. The technical planning and implementation is of course still the responsibility of the installing specialist company.

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